This tutorial illustrates how to create an SBOM for Python projects using the CycloneDX-Python CLI and the Jake CLI
Python 3
Poetry (optional)
Pipenv (optional)
To install run:
pip install cyclonedx-bom
pipx install cyclonedx-bom
poetry add cyclonedx-bom
verify installation by running in the terminal:
cyclonedx-py --help
The resultant output should be:
usage: cyclonedx-py [-h] [--version] <command> ...
Creates CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Python projects and environments.
positional arguments:
Build an SBOM from Python (virtual) environment
Build an SBOM from Pip requirements
pipenv Build an SBOM from Pipenv manifest
poetry Build an SBOM from Poetry project
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
verifying correct installation.
To install run:
pip install jake
poetry add jake
pipx install jake
verify installation by running in the terminal:
jake --help
The resultant output should be:
usage: jake [-h] [-v] [-w] [-X] ...
Put your Python dependencies in a chokehold
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show which version of jake you are running
-w, --warn-only prevents exit with non-zero code when issues have been detected
-X enable debug output
Jake sub-commands:
iq perform a scan backed by Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle
ddt perform a scan backed by OSS Index
sbom generate a CycloneDX software-bill-of-materials (no vulnerabilities)
verifying correct installation
Navigate to the Python project in question:
To create an SBOM, run one of the following commands:
Creates SBOMs from Python (virtual) environments
cyclonedx-py environment --of <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format>
or in case on having a virtual environment folder
cyclonedx-py environment --of <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format> 'path/to/venv'
Creates SBOMs from Python requirements.txt files
cyclonedx-py requirements --of <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format> <requirements.txt-file-name>
Creates SBOMs from Poetry projects
cyclonedx-py poetry --of <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format>
cyclonedx-py pipenv --of <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format>
To create an SBOM, run the following command:
jake sbom --output-format <sbom-output-format (json or xml)> -o <sbom-output-name>.<sbom-output-format>
Tests run on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 24.04.
SBOMs validated using CycloneDX-CLI. Both returned successful.
This section illustrates CycloneDX JSON SBOMs of the PlatformIO Core codebase, created from CycloneDX-Python and Jake.
Sonatype-Nexus-Community. (2023). Jake.
CycloneDX. (2023). CycloneDX-Python.
CycloneDX. (2023). cyclonedx-cli.
Platformio. (n.d.). GitHub - platformio/platformio-core: Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence :alien: GitHub.