
Creation of SBOMs From C Sharp Projects


This tutorial illustrates how to produce an SBOM from C# projects using the CycloneDX-Dotnet CLI.



Run the command:

dotnet tool install --global CycloneDX

Note: You may need to add the ./dotnet/tools directory to your PATH. e.g. export PATH="$PATH:/location/of/.dotnet/tools"

Verify installation with the command:

dotnet CycloneDX

You should get the response:

A .NET Core global tool which creates CycloneDX Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) from .NET projects.

Usage: dotnet cyclonedx [options] <path>

  path                                                                   The path to a .sln, .csproj, .fsproj, .vbproj, or packages.config file or the path to a directory which
                                                                         will be recursively analyzed for packages.config files

  -v|--version                                                           Output the tool version and exit
  -tfm|--framework <FRAMEWORK>                                           The target framework to use. If not defined, all will be aggregated.
  -rt|--runtime <RUNTIME>                                                The runtime to use. If not defined, all will be aggregated.
  -o|--out <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>                                            The directory to write the BOM
  -f|--filename <OUTPUT_FILENAME>                                        Optionally provide a filename for the BOM (default: bom.xml or bom.json)
  -j|--json                                                              Produce a JSON BOM instead of XML
  -d|--exclude-dev                                                       Exclude development dependencies from the BOM (see
  -t|--exclude-test-projects                                             Exclude test projects from the BOM
  -u|--url <BASE_URL>                                                    Alternative NuGet repository URL to https://<yoururl>/nuget/<yourrepository>/v3/index.json
  -us|--baseUrlUsername <BASE_URL_USER_NAME>                             Alternative NuGet repository username
  -usp|--baseUrlUserPassword <BASE_URL_USER_PASSWORD>                    Alternative NuGet repository username password/apikey
  -uspct|--isBaseUrlPasswordClearText                                    Alternative NuGet repository password is cleartext
  -r|--recursive                                                         To be used with a single project file, it will recursively scan project references of the supplied project
  -ns|--no-serial-number                                                 Optionally omit the serial number from the resulting BOM
  -gu|--github-username <GITHUB_USERNAME>                                Optionally provide a GitHub username for license resolution. If set you also need to provide a GitHub
                                                                         personal access token
  -gt|--github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>                                      Optionally provide a GitHub personal access token for license resolution. If set you also need to provide
                                                                         a GitHub username
  -gbt|--github-bearer-token <GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN>                       Optionally provide a GitHub bearer token for license resolution. This is useful in GitHub actions
  -dgl|--disable-github-licenses                                         Optionally disable GitHub license resolution
  -dpr|--disable-package-restore                                         Optionally disable package restore
  -dhc|--disable-hash-computation                                        Optionally disable hash computation for packages
  -dct|--dotnet-command-timeout <DOTNET_COMMAND_TIMEOUT>                 dotnet command timeout in milliseconds (primarily used for long dotnet restore operations)
                                                                         Default value is: 300000.
  -biop|--base-intermediate-output-path <BASE_INTERMEDIATE_OUTPUT_PATH>  Optionally provide a folder for customized build environment. Required if folder 'obj' is relocated.
  -imp|--import-metadata-path <IMPORT_METADATA_PATH>                     Optionally provide a metadata template which has project specific details.
  -sn|--set-name <SET_NAME>                                              Override the autogenerated BOM metadata component name.
  -sv|--set-version <SET_VERSION>                                        Override the default BOM metadata component version (defaults to 0.0.0).
  -st|--set-type <SET_TYPE>                                              Override the default BOM metadata component type (defaults to application).
                                                                         Allowed values are: Null, Application, Framework, Library, OperationSystem, Device, File, Container,
                                                                         Default value is: Null.
  -?|-h|--help                                                           Show help information.

A path is required


Run the following command:

dotnet CycloneDX <path-to-manifest-file> -o <path-to-output-folder>

The resultant output will be a folder in the path that you specified, containing your SBOM, default xml format. JSON files can be obtained by adding the -j flag.


Example SBOM

This section illustrates a CycloneDX JSON SBOM of the CycloneDX-Dotnet codebase, created using CycloneDX-Dotnet.

Pretty JSON Display




CycloneDX. (2023). CycloneDX-Dotnet.